We are now looking for a Compliance Manager with high integrity, a strong drive and great analytical skills together with outstanding communication skills. This is a new position, operating across the Nordics, with the exiting possibility to influence and form the role.
In this position, you will support the development of compliance topics in the Nordics. You will act as the regional contact person and advisor on compliance matters for the country subsidiaries and departments at the headquarters in Winnenden, Germany.
You can be placed in any of our Nordic locations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Finland. You report directly to the Region-CFO, based in Gothenburg.
About the role
Main responsibilities and tasks Your responsibilities will include the following.
- You are responsible for the implementation, establishment, and continuous development of the compliance management system in the Northern Europe region, considering legal, economic, and strategic aspects.
- You monitor the implementation of compliance topics in the subsidiaries of the Region Northern Europe in reconciliation with the Chief Compliance Officers of the subsidiaries and compliance managers at the headquarters.
- You fulfill compliance reports for the headquarters and develop internal regulations
- You perform analysis to identify potential risks in any function of the organization and support the prevention of such risks
- You will assist in clarifying and documenting compliance cases and conduct sample checks to ensure the application of guidelines
- You develop and conduct targeted trainings (in-person and online) and e-learnings with the headquarters
Willingness to travel (about 10%) is essential.
- A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in relevant field working with compliance in Finance and Sales
- Knowledge of relevant compliance regulations and the establishment of compliance management systems
- Experience in managing projects in an international and interdisciplinary environment
- Completed studies in economics, law, or a comparable field
Personal traits
- Strong analytical skills to understand various regulations and transfer into practical concepts and pragmatic solutions
- Ability to handle complex and multifaceted tasks
- Discretion in handling confidential information and a high level of integrity
- Independent, responsible, and results-oriented work style
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, as well as confident demeanor at all hierarchical levels
- Excellent communication skills in English and Swedish are essential. Additional proficiency in any Nordic language is an asset
About the company
Kärcher is the global leader in cleaning equipment and offers a wide variety of products for both private households as well as for commercial users and industry.
We offer you an exciting job in a flat organization where you will have the opportunity to further develop and to influence in your daily work. Kärcher is a global company where you will have many international contacts. Our employees are our biggest and most valuable asset.
For more information please visit www.karcher.com
Contact Information
In this recruitment Kärcher is collaborating with SJR Executive Search. For additional information feel free to contact Senior Consultant Lena Bello + (0)70 755 49 96. Selection will be done continuously, and interviews will be performed in January, after the holidays. Applications will be handled with discretion and confidentially.
We look forward to your application!
About SJR Executive
SJR Executive Search recruit future leaders and top-level talents – people who truly make a difference in challenging environments. We identify and attract executives and senior specialists for management teams and other critical business roles that require discretion.
SJR in Sweden is one of Sweden's leading and most experienced companies in recruitment and consulting solutions. Ever since our start in 1993, we have specialized in both personality assessment and the fields we recruit for, giving us a unique ability to match the right competence with the right client based on high standards. We offer specialist expertise in Finance/Legal, HR/Communication, Purchasing/Logistics, IT, and Management.
SJR currently has approximately 500 employees and operates across the country with offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Helsingborg, and Uppsala. The group consists of the parent company Ogunsen AB with the subsidiaries SJR in Sweden AB and WES AB. We work based on the vision 'Professionals Choice Through Life,' which means a constant striving to create long-term relationships with people and organizations in our network and follow them throughout their professional lives.

Lena Bello
SJR är ett av Sveriges ledande och mest erfarna bolag inom rekrytering och konsultlösningar. Ända sedan starten 1993 har vi varit specialiserade inom såväl personlighetsbedömning som de områden vi rekryterar till, vilket ger oss en unik förmåga att utifrån högt ställda krav matcha rätt kompetens med rätt uppdragsgivare. Vi erbjuder specialistkompetens inom ekonomi och finans, HR och lön, inköp och logistik, IT, juridik och compliance, hållbarhet, kommunikation samt chefspositioner.
SJR är idag cirka 400 medarbetare och verksamma över hela landet med kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Helsingborg och Uppsala. Koncernen består av moderbolaget Ogunsen AB, som är noterat på First North Stockholm, med dotterbolagen SJR in Sweden AB och Wes AB.
Vi jobbar utifrån visionen Professionals Choice Through Life, vilket innebär en ständig strävan efter att skapa långsiktiga relationer med människor och organisationer i vårt nätverk.
Vår process
Vi intervjuar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut, så vänta inte med din ansökan.
Här kan du läsa mer om ansökningsprocessen.
I det fall tjänsten medför ekonomiskt ansvar kommer en kreditupplysning att genomföras avseende slutkandidaten. I vissa rekryterings- och tillsättningsprocesser kan det bli aktuellt att genomföra en bakgrundskontroll av slutkandidaten. En bakgrundskontroll av en slutkandidat görs endast om risken i rollen motiverar att en sådan görs, på grund av rollens befogenhet, mandat och påverkanskraft. Här kan du läsa mer om vår rekryterings- och tillsättningsprocess.
Tänk på att din ansökan inte ska innehålla s.k. känsliga personuppgifter såsom exempelvis hälsa eller medlemskap i fackförening. Här hittar du information om känsliga personuppgifter.
Notera även att vi tyvärr inte kan ta emot CV via e-post till följd av GDPR.
För information om hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter och dina rättigheter, se vår integritetspolicy.