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Accounting Manager to Consilium Safety Group, Göteborg
Are you an experienced and independent accounting economist who wants a broad and varied position in a Swedish group that is established all over the world? Do you want to be a part of a group that is on a strong growth journey? Then it might be you that we are looking for as Accounting Manager for Consilium Safety Group.
About the role
You are one of four Accounting Managers who independently are responsible for your company from start to finish with the help of two Financial Assistants. You will be part of the Finance team that consists of ten dedicated and competent economists. You are also involved in improving and streamlining processes and routines related to the finance function.
Your main tasks are:
• Prepare monthly and annual financial statements
• Analysis and follow-up on monthly results
• Group reporting
• VAT, taxes and fees
• Prepare Annual report and declarations
We are looking for someone who feels confident in all parts of accounting and independently handles monthly and annual accounts today. If you have knowledge and experience of working with reverse VAT and progressive profit calculation, it is seen as positive. You probably have a university education in finance or other relevant post-secondary education. You are fluent in both Swedish and English in speech and writing and You also have very good knowledge in Excel where you feel confident in handling large amounts of data. You have experience from advanced ERP systems, preferably Dynamics 365. As a person, we see that you are independent, driven and persistent. You have a structured way of working and are thorough and enjoy being in a high-paced environment. You have good communication and cooperation skills and appreciate being part of a team!
About the company
Consilium Safety Group is a world-leading solution provider of fire and gas safety technologies for the marine, energy, transport and building sectors. By combining safety expertise with intelligent detection, the company contributes to protecting lives, values, and the planet through technology. What started in 1912 is today an international company driven by innovation. Consilium Safety Group is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, has more than 55 offices, covering all time zones, and strives to be a great place to grow. With a market leading position, robustness, and pioneer thinking – we are now on our journey to transform and shape the future of the industry, by becoming #1 in SafetyTech.
Contact Information
In this recruitment Consilium is collaborating with SJR. For more information, please contact responsible Recruitment Consultant Sofia Obstfelder Garellick at 076-647 16 07. We have an ongoing selection in this recruitment, so please send your application as soon as possible. All applications and contacts are handled confidentially.
We look forward to read your application!
Sofia Obstfelder Garellick
SJR är ett av Sveriges ledande och mest erfarna bolag inom rekrytering och konsultlösningar. Ända sedan starten 1993 har vi varit specialiserade inom såväl personlighetsbedömning som de områden vi rekryterar till, vilket ger oss en unik förmåga att utifrån högt ställda krav matcha rätt kompetens med rätt uppdragsgivare. Vi erbjuder specialistkompetens inom ekonomi och finans, HR och lön, inköp och logistik, IT, juridik och compliance, hållbarhet, kommunikation samt chefspositioner.
SJR är idag cirka 400 medarbetare och verksamma över hela landet med kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Helsingborg och Uppsala. Koncernen består av moderbolaget Ogunsen AB, som är noterat på First North Stockholm, med dotterbolagen SJR in Sweden AB och Wes AB.
Vi jobbar utifrån visionen Professionals Choice Through Life, vilket innebär en ständig strävan efter att skapa långsiktiga relationer med människor och organisationer i vårt nätverk.
Vår process
Vi intervjuar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut, så vänta inte med din ansökan.
Här kan du läsa mer om ansökningsprocessen.
I det fall tjänsten medför ekonomiskt ansvar kommer en kreditupplysning att genomföras avseende slutkandidaten. I vissa rekryterings- och tillsättningsprocesser kan det bli aktuellt att genomföra en bakgrundskontroll av slutkandidaten. En bakgrundskontroll av en slutkandidat görs endast om risken i rollen motiverar att en sådan görs, på grund av rollens befogenhet, mandat och påverkanskraft. Här kan du läsa mer om vår rekryterings- och tillsättningsprocess.
Tänk på att din ansökan inte ska innehålla s.k. känsliga personuppgifter såsom exempelvis hälsa eller medlemskap i fackförening. Här hittar du information om känsliga personuppgifter.
Notera även att vi tyvärr inte kan ta emot CV via e-post till följd av GDPR.
För information om hur vi behandlar dina personuppgifter och dina rättigheter, se vår integritetspolicy.